General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 207-737-5611
Emergencies: Dial 911
26 Gardiner Street Suite 102

Animal Control

All Animal Control requests can be called in, 24 hours a day, to the Richmond Police Department at 737-8518.  The on-duty police officer will be dispatched to assist you.  Generally, municipal animal control officers are responsible for the control of stray or loose domestic animals such as dogs, cats, cows and horses.  We also provide other services such as investigating animal cruelty or neglect complaints, and inspections of boarding kennels and breeding kennels in Richmond.  Citizens can feel free to call the police department anytime with an animal question or complaint.

The following link will connect you to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Animal Welfare Program.  This website has lots of great information and numerous helpful links:

Richmond Police officers can also usually resolve any wildlife complaint citizens may have.  Occasionally, we may request assistance from, or refer the wildlife complaint to the Maine Warden Service.