Town News

Nomination Papers Available

Selectboard, Assessor and Overseer-1 positions available (3) year termsBudget Committee Member-2 positions available (3) year terms Richmond Utilities District Trustee-1 position available (3) year term.School Committee-2 positions available (2) year term. Nomination papers must be returned to the …


2025-2026 BUDGET INFORMATION25-26 Budget Calendar- 25-26 Budget Calendar.pdf 25-26 Budget Worksheets-Coming end of March 25-26 Annual Town Meeting Warrant-Coming end of AprilProposed Ordinance Changes to the Shoreland Zoning-Public Hearing date tbd (in March) SH Ordinance Amendments.pdf Questions e…

Richmond Days

Details coming soon! 


Holidays    Apr 21st - Patriot's DayMay 26th - Memorial DayJuly 3rd - Fourth of JulySept 1st - Labor DayOct 13th - Indigenous People'sNov 11th - Veteran's DayNov 27th - ThanksgivingDec 25th - Christmas

Revaluation 2025

RJD Appraisal: Meet the Assessors.pdf Start Date: Estimated to begin end of September 2024Values will be reflected in the 25-26 Tax Year (September of 2025 Tax Bills)What is a RevaluationA Revaluation is a process which creates a solid base of inventory for tax purposes. The Maine Constitution stat…

Now Hiring! Police Officer & More

Part-Time Police Officer PositionsThe Richmond Police Department is seeking qualified, motivated, individual for the position of Part-Time Police Officer.  Interested candidates must hold a valid Maine driver’s license and possess a high school diploma or G.E.D. certificate.  Candidates are require…

Richmond School Department

This month Richmond Schools began working on vision and mission statements. All schools in Maine are required to develop their own statements. Since Richmond started its own independent school department in July, this is one of the tasks we must do more or less from scratch.  Even though this is a …