25-26 Budget Calendar-Coming in January

25-26 Budget Worksheets-Coming in March 

25-26 Annual Town Meeting Warrant-Coming end of April


24-25 Budget Worksheets.pdf 



Below is a summary of the amendments being proposed of the Richmond Land Use Ordinance.  The Richmond Ordinance Review Committee has worked for two and half years on the proposed amendments. The full amendments are posted on the Town’s website for viewing, you can also request copies be emailed by reaching out to ceo@richmondmaine.com or come into the Town Office for a hard copy of the amendments.  A public hearing will be held in March (TBD) and second in May (TBD). 

In reviewing the proposed amendment to the current Richmond Land Use Ordinance please keep in mind that most of the amendments are definition updates, State of Maine statute updates and relocation of standards for better understanding of the requirements. When reviewing the draft ordinance an item in “red” has been added and items crossed out have been removed and/or relocated. Below is a summary of the major amendments and where they can be reviewed in the draft ordinance. 

 1. Non-Conforming Structure 

This amendment allowed for the Code Enforcement Officer to review and approve the reconstruction of a non-conforming 

structure outside of the Shoreland. This change can be found in Article 2. 

 2. LD. 2003 

LD. 2003 was passed by the state and towns are required to enforce. LD. 2003 is an act to implement the recommendations

of the commission to increase the housing opportunities in Maine. Fortunately, Richmond already allowed multi family 

dwelling and accessory dwelling units. The required changes can be found in Article 3 and 5. 

 3. Mobile homes 

Towns are now required to allow mobile homes wherever a single-family home is permitted. This requirement makes it 

unlawful for Richmond to not allow mobile homes in the village district but does state they are not allowed in the historic 

district of the village. The required change can be reviewed in Article 4. 

 4. Subdivision 

These amendments allow for a subdivision located in the agricultural district that are less than 10 lots to not to be clustered and are not required to 

have a common well and septic system. These amendments can be reviewed in Article 6. 

 5. Adult-Use Cannabis 

Adult-Use Cannabis establishments are already permitted in the highway commercial district, the changes that were 

made were to reduce or eliminate the setback requirement from abutting uses. A proposed amendment also allows adult-

use cannabis cultivation to be permitted in the agricultural district. This change can be seen in Article 4 and 5. 

 Article 1 revised.pdf 

Article 2 revised.pdf 

Article 3 revised.pdf 

Article 4 revised.pdf 

Article 5 revised.pdf 

Article 6 revised.pdf 

Article 7 revised.pdf 

Article 8 revised.pdf 

Article 9 revised.pdf 

Article 10 revised.pdf 

Article 12 revised.pdf 


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