Town Documents and Reports

The Town of Richmond has been developing a strong base over time for community and business development efforts. This foundation is reflected in the following reports.

Richmond Economic Development Strategy, developed by the Midcoast Economic Development District (MCEDD), February 2015

The 1990 Update of the Richmond Comprehensive Plan (As Adopted by the Town Meeting February 27, 1991.) The Town is beginning the Comprehensive Plan update in late 2012!

The Richmond Comprehensive Plan Part 1 (Table of Contents, Introduction, Community Character, Community Goals, Opportunities and Constraints, Affordable Housing Goals and Strategies)

The Richmond Comprehensive Plan Part 2 (Community Policies, Land Use Policies, Implementation Strategy, Capital Investment Strategy, Regional and State Coordination, Regional Environment, Demographic Trends, Existing Land Use Patterns, Land Use and Development Trends)

The Richmond Comprehensive Plan Part 3 (Updated Community Survey Results, Economic Trends, Transportation, Public Facilities and Services, Fiscal Capacity, Housing, Natural Resources, Marine Resources, Cultural Resources)

The Richmond Comprehensive Plan Appendices (Detailed Community Survey Results, Soils Information)

The Richmond Comprehensive Plan Maps:

Regional Setting

Opportunities and Constraints

Land Use Designations

Land Use Changes



Natural Resources Constraints

Richmond Village Downtown Revitalization Plan:

Richmond Village Downtown Revitalization Plan, Part 1 (2004)

Richmond Village Downtown Revitalization Plan, Part 2 (2004)

Downtown Revitalization Plan Update, Part 1 (2011)

Downtown Revitalization Plan Update, Part 2 (2011)

Richmond Waterfront Improvements Plan:

Richmond Waterfront Improvements: Professional Planning Report, Part 1 (2008)

Richmond Waterfront Improvements: Professional Planning Report, Part 2 (2008)